Thursday, May 10, 2012

May 10, 2012 Log

Old Faithful CamChat Chat Log: Partial log - will complete if time later 00:00:00 MDT Showing logs for date: 2012--05-10 Found 517 log entries for 2012--05-10 01:29:06 ynpvisitor60 joins Yellowstone 03:13:40 ynpvisitor7 joins Yellowstone 03:24:45 ynpvisitor66 joins Yellowstone 05:13:46 ynpvisitor67 joins Yellowstone 05:59:03 ynpvisitor9 joins Yellowstone 05:59:19 ynpvisitor9 changes nickname to Janet-working? 05:59:30 Plume 0558 ie 06:00:07 ynpvisitor45 joins Yellowstone 06:00:41 ynpvisitor59 joins Yellowstone 06:01:02 fluffy in preplay 06:02:09 ynpvisitor62 joins Yellowstone 06:02:26 ynpvisitor59 quit (timeout) 06:02:48 ynpvisitor62 quit (timeout) 06:04:02 fluffy 06:05:16 0603 06:08:33 a long 06:09:21 ynpvisitor45 changes nickname to Kitt 06:09:34 sleep gazing 06:25:53 ?steam in Riverside spot on static? 06:27:53 ynpvisitor69 joins Yellowstone 06:37:03 I was outside, didn't see anything 06:37:44 I can't bring the static cam up now on the great outdoors site 06:37:55 all I have is streaming 06:39:23 ynpvisitor71 joins Yellowstone 06:40:56 ynpvisitor34 joins Yellowstone 06:41:21 ynpvisitor34 changes nickname to Dave from B 06:41:34 Good Morning, Kitt. 06:41:47 morning 06:41:54 Good Morning, Janet. You are working early this morning 06:42:26 Kitt, my statics are working. 06:42:37 Good morning! Actually - I start work around 5 normally - today I got a late start 06:43:03 That is early. 06:44:39 We are early risers. 06:45:00 I'm not 06:45:10 The geysers make me do it 06:45:37 ynpvisitor12 joins Yellowstone 06:45:57 I was reading Lynn's Sput article on Grand last night. The mean interval was over 9 hours for 2010 and 2011. Hasn't the mean been much shorter so far this year? 06:46:21 ynpvisitor40 joins Yellowstone 06:46:57 animals in the meadow 06:47:21 ynpvisitor12 changes nickname to Kevin L 06:47:33 Morning, Kevin 06:47:34 morning Kevin 06:47:44 hi 06:47:59 we have our token roaming bison 06:48:32 ynpvisitor40 changes nickname to Joe 06:48:38 ah my static cam is finally back 06:50:58 I have a question 06:51:12 when was the latest ng eruption 06:51:31 Checking GT. brb 06:52:20 Sunday the 6th, I think. 06:52:32 thanks 06:52:52 person asked me last night 06:53:15 3 definite and 2 ? eruptions on the 6th 06:53:30 thanks Dave 06:53:33 Thanks for the verification, Dave - was going on memory 06:53:52 which I don't fully trust 06:54:18 I saw the 2004 NG. Anxious to see a minor next week when i'm iin the park. 06:55:05 We'll be there next week as well - really hope it plays for us - but I'd take Giantess as well. :) 06:55:09 Is Dome active today or is it just steamy (watching on static)? 06:55:44 Morning Joe..Didn't see you sneak in 06:56:37 Hi Dave. 06:59:59 Kevin can you text me if you see Indy before 8? 07:00:22 Its a work day, and I need to do some chores 07:01:23 I am heading for bus duty right now but if I catch it I will send txt. 07:01:52 thanks 07:01:53 It would be fun to get 3 in a row. 07:02:31 although I think it is waiting for the next fluffy 07:02:36 Kevin, I will text you if I see it. 07:03:03 I will pass that on. 07:06:20 ynpvisitor58 joins Yellowstone 07:06:58 ynpvisitor58 quit (timeout) 07:08:01 Daisy steaming up 07:08:09 ynpvisitor41 joins Yellowstone 07:08:55 ynpvisitor58 quit (timeout) 07:09:53 ynpvisitor58 quit (timeout) 07:12:23 Joe quit (timeout) 07:18:48 Joe quit (timeout) 07:21:29 Aurum 719 07:25:12 Kitt quit (timeout) 07:25:22 Daisy 718 ie via CC on GT 07:25:55 I wasn't fast enough to get a capture, but Aurum was in one frame on the ugb cam 07:26:26 Kevin missed it again 07:26:40 Easy to do. 07:30:05 Joe quit (timeout) 07:30:05 Any sign of Jim this morning? 07:30:37 Haven't seen him on the cam yet 07:31:18 probably down basin until Indy starts 07:31:34 fluffy still waiting 07:31:55 Back but lurking. Chickens are hungry. 07:33:11 Plume 07:33:11 Plune 09:32 07:33:24 fluffy duo 07:33:38 pretty 07:33:42 we can guess what time zone you are in Joe 07:34:17 Morning eruptions are so nice when there's some sun :) 07:34:50 good thing Plume started first 07:35:19 ?Indy 07:35:39 Sorry , I can't type well. Plume at 07:32. Plune two hours later. 07:36:09 nope, disregard indy ? sunlight hallucination 07:36:51 Joe is just ahead of us in his day 07:37:17 better early than late 07:37:21 Livin' in the future - or we're living in the past 07:37:29 Joe, we need somebody here who can see into the future 07:38:38 Joe quit (timeout) 07:39:22 ynpvisitor56 joins Yellowstone 07:39:32 ynpvisitor53 joins Yellowstone 07:40:05 ynpvisitor56 changes nickname to af 07:40:47 ynpvisitor53 quit (timeout) 07:40:52 ho, all 07:40:56 hi 07:41:12 Hey Hey Hey, af 07:41:14 hi ho 07:41:15 Helo 07:41:18 thought you were taking up a new language 07:41:25 hello 07:41:35 Good morning, af 07:41:46 how's school 07:42:07 fine just fine 07:43:41 af quit (timeout) 07:44:23 . 07:44:57 Can't wait to see if BH shorter intervals continue or if it returns to 17 hour area 07:45:01 af quit (timeout) 07:45:02 At least one young person is obsessd with geysers instead of video games. 07:45:37 ynpvisitor77 joins Yellowstone 07:46:34 school nesecisities: pencils and pens, paper, binders, homework, textbooks, geysers of yellowstone 07:47:06 joe i actually play lots of video games 07:47:26 but geysers are priorities 07:48:58 af quit (timeout) 07:49:51 ynpvisitor77 quit (timeout) 07:53:57 af quit (timeout) 07:54:59 person on the ugb cam is either taking a nap or stretching for going jogging. funny pose 07:56:49 Joe quit (timeout) 07:58:08 af quit (timeout) 07:59:31 ding 07:59:36 ? 07:59:56 Indy 07:59:56 ding dong 08:00:04 ding 08:00:42 Beehive's Indicator 08:01:07 Woo Hoo 08:02:45 I've texted Kevin and vw 08:03:49 ding? 08:03:54 Person on static cam jug lift will get a good view 08:04:34 Anyone know who is driving this morning? 08:04:46 nope 08:05:05 Yeah!!! 08:05:15 Jim 08:05:19 here comes Jim 08:05:52 Indy must have been going for a while 08:06:18 That's a treat. Thanks for dinging 08:06:22 Pat has it 755 ns 08:07:41 Joe quit (timeout) 08:07:59 Cluck cluck. Slacker are fed. 08:08:56 company 08:09:05 Good crowd 08:09:16 Jim collected some people.. 08:09:27 Did someone tell kc? 08:09:32 Yay Jim. 08:10:15 Joe you must be watching streaming that is with chat 08:10:30 Yup 08:10:39 Jim has been there for 4 minutes 08:11:00 You reckon he should have turned the taps on? 08:11:11 Just got back with breakfast 08:12:15 there's enough lag time that I can watch eruption on Great Outdoors site and then watch chat streamin 08:12:31 9 min. of bee (Yippee) 08:13:21 ynpvisitor41 changes nickname to cb 08:13:26 Good morning! 08:13:30 ynpvisitor23 joins Yellowstone 08:13:35 ynpvisitor23 changes nickname to BB 08:13:39 morning cb 08:13:39 No, GREAT morning cb. 08:13:49 Allright BB. Good timing. 08:13:51 Morning, cb 08:13:51 yes. great morning all :) 08:13:52 Good morning! 08:14:05 Morning, BB. Thanks for all the FB help 08:14:14 Nice way again to start the day! 08:14:14 yw Dave 08:14:59 yeah bee 08:15:10 sweet! 08:15:28 Another possible tonight! 08:15:34 Wet and warm. 08:15:51 nope wet and cold 08:16:10 Longer days, 2 BH days, yes spring is here 08:16:23 I'll take that cold shower, anytime 08:16:53 I need to hook up a computer to my big screen tv. 08:17:28 oh, that would be awesome 08:17:38 Maybe get a wav file of a real eruption to play in the background. 08:18:03 With a good sub woofer. 08:18:16 someone took the shower run 08:18:39 But they don't have your batman outfit on. 08:18:46 looks like gray sky, they are going to be chilly later 08:18:58 oops, when did bee start 08:19:11 ?0814 08:19:15 0814 08:19:41 yeah watching again on chat stream 08:19:51 Have a good day all. Bye 08:20:20 Bye, 76 08:20:33 ynpvisitor76 quit (timeout) 08:20:34 Janet-working? changes nickname to Janet-working 08:20:51 have a nice day, time for work 08:21:01 Bye, Kitt 08:21:03 Lovely start to the day - time to get down to work, though. 08:21:06 I am off too. Got home early today and want to squeeze some sewing in. bbl 08:21:06 Have a good day, Kitt 08:21:21 Bye, BB 08:21:23 Joe quit (timeout) 08:21:48 BB quit (timeout) 08:22:06 Kitt quit (timeout) 08:23:07 ynpvisitor71 quit (timeout) 08:23:23 Dave from B quit (timeout) 08:23:37 .. 08:25:32 Plume interval or double from this morning was 95 minutes 08:27:45 Grand 826 ie 08:27:55 Actual is 825 08:33:22 cb quit (timeout) 08:38:27 Looks like Turban and Vent continued after Grand 08:42:18 heading out. 08:43:22 Kevin L quit (timeout) 08:45:00 Bye, Kevin. 08:58:47 Dave from B quit (timeout) 09:02:48 .. 09:05:34 OF 903 09:05:57 I have to work for a bit. If anyone who captures shows up would you have them confirm my Aurum sighting? 09:06:56 69, I'll talk to kc or BB when I see them 09:07:28 It was one of those "perfect timing" captures on the static. 09:07:31 09:07:33 09:08:17 I am not registered to post times, but if you wish to believe me, feel add it 09:08:44 I will post it, 69 09:09:01 What was the time again? 09:11:22 Found it 719 09:12:54 thx, known intervals always help on that bugger 09:16:25 Plume 914 ie static. Could have been 913 ie 09:17:25 Anyone else see Plume? 09:18:19 thx again, off for a while. Enjoy your gazing- visibility may get bad later. I just saw that it is dumping snow in Bozeman MT 09:19:03 Bye, 69 09:19:24 ynpvisitor69 quit (timeout) 10:04:10 ynpvisitor72 joins Yellowstone 10:08:26 Plume 1007 10:08:48 ynpvisitor51 joins Yellowstone 10:09:17 ynpvisitor51 changes nickname to Rich 10:09:25 Morning everyone 10:09:28 Hi Dave 10:09:32 Hi Janet 10:11:33 ynpvisitor71 changes nickname to vw 10:11:42 ynpvisitor72 quit (timeout) 10:11:55 Hi, Rich. 10:11:59 Janet-working quit (timeout) 10:12:06 Hi all. There is some question regarding the time of this morning's BH actual start. As I don't have an email address for Pat S, I need to address the question here. 10:12:15 Morning, vw 10:12:43 There was a very large splash from BH before the actual eruption started. If someone used that for a start then yes, a time of 0813 would be correct. 10:13:59 However, that splash did not sustain, and the water dropped off for just a few seconds. Actual sustained eruption of BH was at 0814 based on my computer time that uses the US atomic time/composite atomic time from the Boulder station. 10:14:02 ynpvisitor35 joins Yellowstone 10:14:40 I have my computer set to recalibrate every morning so am confident that the time on my computer is correct. 10:14:56 ynpvisitor35 changes nickname to Will B 10:15:31 Thank you. 10:15:58 good morning! 10:16:01 ynpvisitor94 joins Yellowstone 10:16:04 ynpvisitor5 joins Yellowstone 10:16:09 vw quit (timeout) 10:16:15 Morning, Will B 10:16:50 ynpvisitor94 quit (timeout) 10:17:01 Plume intervals appear to be back under an hour today. 10:17:39 ynpvisitor94 quit (timeout) 10:17:47 Not a change. I guess they have been there for a few days 10:17:55 ynpvisitor5 quit (timeout) 10:18:03 Good morning Dave. Dave I was reading the log from yesterday and I saw you went to U of M. I cant help but say GO CATS! 10:18:08 Morning Will B 10:18:22 ynpvisitor 55 quit (timeout) 10:18:30 I was wondering when you were going to get to that, Will:) 10:18:58 ynpvisitor65 joins Yellowstone 10:19:05 Hi Rich 10:19:42 ynpvisitor65 changes nickname to af 10:19:55 Hi af 10:19:58 wb, af 10:20:30 all da biggies have gone, oh well I 'll seem again 10:20:55 af, we saved Giantess for you 10:21:48 This is when the REALLY big ones have a good chance, no other competition. 10:21:53 g 10:22:43 I am loving adobe flash, have you used that before anyone? 10:23:21 I think Loisb might haave used it. 10:24:40 ynpvisitor57 joins Yellowstone 10:27:37 ynpvisitor57 quit (timeout) 10:28:27 ynpvisitor94 quit (timeout) 10:28:37 of 1026 ie 10:33:40 ynpvisitor94 quit (timeout) 10:34:24 Rich quit (timeout) 10:38:00 lion 1036 maybe - static 10:38:29 nope just a large puff 10:38:33 would be erupting 10:38:42 if not an ng 10:43:33 Loisb is trying GOM capture program 10:43:39 ynpvisitor94 quit (timeout) 10:46:24 ynpvisitor11 joins Yellowstone 10:53:33 ynpvisitor94 quit (timeout) 10:54:07 ynpvisitor39 joins Yellowstone 10:54:48 ynpvisitor39 quit (timeout) 10:55:54 ynpvisitor57 quit (timeout) 10:56:51 . 11:02:49 Will B quit (timeout) 11:05:05 ynpvisitor11 quit (timeout) 11:05:54 af quit (timeout) 11:06:33 ynpvisitor33 joins Yellowstone 11:07:14 ynpvisitor33 quit (timeout) 11:07:18 Plume 1105 ie 11:10:18 More Lion puffs 11:13:58 I don't knoww why, but I do llike seeing Lion erupt in series. 11:15:06 I didn't really pay much attentionto Lion until I started watching the streaming 11:15:06 Is it raining? 11:15:27 I heard Helena was getting rain on this mornings news. 11:15:27 Yes, it is. Actually snowing in Bozeman. A little rain in Billings 11:15:45 Looks like my question was answered, drops on the glass. 11:15:59 brrrrrr 11:23:52 ynpvisitor37 joins Yellowstone 11:23:54 ynpvisitor81 joins Yellowstone 11:24:11 37 at OF. Not as nice as yesterday 11:25:00 ynpvisitor81 quit (timeout) 11:49:33 ynpvisitor37 quit (timeout) 11:50:03 Did I see snow on cam? 11:51:03 ynpvisitor72 joins Yellowstone 11:52:04 I'm sure it is. 11:54:32 brrr again. 12:02:20 ynpvisitor78 joins Yellowstone 12:03:18 ynpvisitor78 quit (timeout) 12:04:04 OF 1202 12:05:23 ynpvisitor11 quit (timeout) 12:06:05 Rich quit (timeout) 12:10:41 ynpvisitor5 joins Yellowstone 12:12:08 ynpvisitor94 quit (timeout) 12:16:20 ynpvisitor5 quit (timeout) 12:18:32 ynpvisitor94 quit (timeout) 12:19:54 ynpvisitor11 joins Yellowstone 12:22:12 ynpvisitor11 changes nickname to Kevin L 12:22:27 Back. Looks a bit dreary. 12:22:27 12:22:29 ynpvisitor72 quit (timeout) 12:22:44 For Dave from Lynn S: 12:22:47 Response to Dave from Billings: Grand intervals shortened October 2011 Mean interval in September 2011 was still about 9 1/2 hours. Mean interval in November 2011 was about 7 1/2 hours I'll post more information on listserv. 12:24:26 Kevin, welcome back and please pass along my thanks to Lynn. Welcome back 12:28:09 No info on Daisy, I think I will check it for a while. 12:37:25 Daisy 1236 12:37:33 Good fishin' Kevin 12:38:28 You can tell it is getting colder...steam clouds are bigger than this morning 12:39:21 ynpvisitor4 joins Yellowstone 12:39:39 ynpvisitor4 changes nickname to BB 12:39:53 Good Evening, BB 12:40:09 hi Dave 12:40:11 and Kevin 12:40:25 Hi BB 12:42:31 Grotto? 12:43:25 ynpvisitor57 quit (timeout) 12:43:42 ynpvisitor 55 quit (timeout) 12:44:25 ynpvisitor 55 quit (timeout) 12:51:31 BB, someone earlier was looking for confirmation of an Aurum at 719. 1 frame on static. Can you help confirm? 12:51:53 yes, already checked 12:52:02 ynpvisitor94 quit (timeout) 12:52:04 clearly visible, very beautiful Aurum 12:52:17 Thanks. 12:52:23 Of course. I wasn't here! 12:53:05 I told 69 you would be jealous 12:53:29 It seems to know when I am gone. 13:00:41 ynpvisitor 55 quit (timeout) 13:08:25 Aurum 1307 13:09:28 :) :) :) 13:09:36 It didn't want you to be too annoyed 13:09:38 Great. I was looking at the camera at the right time. 13:10:06 I take back half the bad things I said about it. 13:12:19 ynpvisitor33 joins Yellowstone 13:15:04 Strange day here. Got up this morning and the wind was very light but there was so much dust in the air, it almost looked like fog. They say it was blown up by storms in Arizona. 13:15:14 ynpvisitor94 quit (timeout) 13:16:23 Dome 1315 ie. 13:16:31 ynpvisitor33 quit (timeout) 13:16:53 In the 90's today, Kevin? 13:16:55 ynpvisitor57 quit (timeout) 13:17:56 Kevin, I remember you mentioning model railroading the other day. Do you have a layout at home? 13:19:20 ynpvisitor53 joins Yellowstone 13:20:33 Kevin L quit (timeout) 13:20:50 ynpvisitor53 quit (timeout) 13:22:09 ynpvisitor38 joins Yellowstone 13:22:37 ynpvisitor38 changes nickname to af 13:22:55 .. 13:23:10 Ok, internet just froze on me. 13:23:13 Hey, af 13:23:31 OF 1322 13:23:36 yay 13:24:03 Kevin L quit (timeout) 13:24:36 Did it again. 13:25:01 ynpvisitor94 quit (timeout) 13:25:23 ynpvisitor33 quit (timeout) 13:29:09 ynpvisitor94 quit (timeout) 13:30:45 BB quit (timeout) 13:31:53 I wonder if they are changing cables somewhere. I was on and off about 4 times. 13:33:25 OK Dave. It is not quite 90. Up to 88, but for us humidity is high, almost 20%. 13:35:27 I don't currently have a layout, but I am working on one. I do have lots of cool stuff to put on one. I have been doing N scale since 1964 when it was called Treble O. 13:36:19 ynpvisitor41 quit (timeout) 13:38:23 ranger tour 13:39:06 Bet they don't see bh. 13:39:26 :) 13:40:39 If I remember correctly N is smaller than HO? 13:41:53 when is it going to erupt they say? 13:42:22 Yes it is. HO is the most common size, but N is getting more popular. 13:43:26 what are we talking about? 13:43:53 Model Railroads. 13:43:55 model railroads, I think 13:44:38 I even have a bunch of Bundesbahn stuff BB. I had a german layout 13:44:57 But had to dimantle it when my son took the room. 13:45:05 -_- 13:45:25 Darn those kids...always getting in the way 13:46:24 Right. Had to trade my truck for a minivan (which I am still driving) to boot when he was born. 13:46:27 just plain minecraft 13:46:32 ynpvisitor94 quit (timeout) 13:47:39 Sounds like a country song in their somewhere, Kevin. Somthing like "Real men don't drive mini-vans" :). We have one also. 13:48:58 It did beat the heck out of that Taurus station wagon. 13:52:22 af quit (timeout) 13:52:24 What make of minivan, Kevin? 13:52:51 GMC Safari 13:53:30 We have a Honda Odyssey. Almost 90K. It's a 2007 13:54:39 This one is a 1991 with 208,000 miles on it. 14:02:40 Wind is picking up. 14:03:58 ynpvisitor94 quit (timeout) 14:05:04 Plume 1103 ie 14:05:55 1403 ie 14:09:11 ynpvisitor94 quit (timeout) 14:10:45 ynpvisitor 55 quit (timeout) 14:11:39 .. 14:13:48 ynpvisitor94 quit (timeout) 14:16:05 Little Cub 1415 ie 14:20:18 ynpvisitor32 joins Yellowstone 14:20:25 ynpvisitor32 changes nickname to Ryan 14:20:45 Afternoon, Ryan 14:20:56 Hello everyone 14:20:58 Hi Dave 14:21:04 hi. 14:21:08 Hi Kevin 14:21:10 No critters. 14:21:16 hey Ryan 14:22:13 ynpvisitor 55 quit (timeout) 14:22:18 ynpvisitor57 quit (timeout) 14:22:20 Hi BB 14:22:43 How's everything going? Been forever since I last talked to you. 14:23:04 going to YNP in about seven weeks, yay 14:23:19 :) im going in June 2013 14:27:47 ynpvisitor57 quit (timeout) 14:27:57 ynpvisitor94 quit (timeout) 14:30:20 ynpvisitor95 joins Yellowstone 14:31:04 ynpvisitor95 quit (timeout) 14:32:21 ynpvisitor94 quit (timeout) 14:32:51 BB quit (timeout) 14:41:26 ynpvisitor57 quit (timeout) 14:45:47 Ryan quit (timeout) 14:51:39 May have to go into defense position for this OF. 14:57:36 ynpvisitor57 quit (timeout) 14:59:13 Did you take a shower this morning Dave? 14:59:54 Nobody left in the room! 15:00:52 ynpvisitor98 joins Yellowstone 15:01:30 OF 1500 15:01:34 Yep. I chased everybody away. Nobody like me:( 15:02:46 I see the Caps live to fight for at least 1 more game 15:03:06 Graham seemed happy. 15:03:25 Did you see Nascar didn't do anything to Danica? 15:03:46 No, I didn't. 15:04:30 I can think of at least 3 drivers that they have parked for doing that, but for her it is OK. 15:06:41 Plume 1505 ie 15:07:46 Daisy 1506 ie 15:08:00 ynpvisitor98 quit (timeout) 15:08:16 Everything at once again. 15:08:40 At least I saw the tail end of it so we know it went 15:09:09 ynpvisitor97 joins Yellowstone 15:10:05 ynpvisitor97 changes nickname to cb 15:10:36 Hi cb. You got the large economy size bottle of NoDoz? 15:10:41 Hi, cb 15:10:54 Hey Kevin and Dave! 15:10:56 Danica can do no wrong, Kevin 15:11:16 oh no.....did you use up all the top billings this morning? 15:11:36 one in here. 15:11:41 She is learning.... You would think someone who has been driving 10 years would have it down. Those 18 year olds seem to have it figured out. 15:11:53 My mechanics daughter is big into racing. Check out her website at She is racing in California this year 15:12:02 Dave didn't take a shower this morning. Smells like fish. 15:12:11 She just turned 18 15:12:33 Deodarant can't even make me smell better 15:13:28 was just looking at GT's 15:13:34 Sound fun. I will look at that. Danica is just a spoiled rotten brat with no talent that is taking up a ride that someone good could be in. 15:13:43 Looks like maybe Castle?? 15:13:48 You do have a shot at anothe BH tonight. 15:13:57 yep 15:13:59 Aurum has been hot today. 15:14:43 Hey cb, did I tell you my son is now up by the spiral tunnels in Banff Canada? 15:15:20 sounds cool Kevin. I have never been there 15:15:35 I have the cam 15:15:46 OK 15:16:43 I really would like to be there. The pictures are incredible. We get to talk to him Sunday. First time since July 20th. His Mother is excited. 15:17:25 I bet she is..were you waiting for a Lion fKevin...or just had the cam resitng there 15:19:48 Just had it sitting there since it had as good of a chance of doing something as anything. Didn't have a Depression time and haven't seen a NG for a while either. 15:20:19 ok 15:20:57 I didn't see anything on GT so i wasn't sure if it didn't get posted....I did read FB early this morning. Yikes! 15:21:42 There were elk in the meadow yesterday and bison this morning. I haven't seen anything on my shift. 15:21:46 cb, what did I miss on FB? 15:22:44 people pole vaulting over mouse turds! IMO 15:41:53 Well, time to reduce the chat room by a third. Have to go home and mow the lawn. Talk to you tomorrow cb and kevin! 15:42:17 bye Dave. 15:42:52 opps...bye Dave 15:43:08 Dave from B quit (timeout) 15:46:49 Hey there kc. 15:54:46 ynpvisitor55 joins Yellowstone 15:54:54 hi KL 15:55:05 looks a little breezy 15:55:17 Its a little windy today...holy moly! 15:55:22 Hi kc 15:55:29 hey cb 15:56:31 Wind NW 10G20 15:56:58 ynpvisitor55 quit (timeout) 15:57:23 to windy to zoom much 15:57:59 Need motion sickness pills to go with the NoDoz. 15:58:40 ynpvisitor100 joins Yellowstone 15:58:47 ynpvisitor100 changes nickname to af 15:59:00 my god... high school teenagers 16:02:53 Couple of wierd earthquakes, a 3.9 in Oklahoma and 3.7 in eastern Texas. 16:04:38 ynpvisitor2 joins Yellowstone 16:04:40 some huy decided to take a plastic bag, light it on fire and drop it in the boy's locker room

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